liquid fertilizer production line

🌟 Turnkey Organic Fertilizer Line

Custom-Built & Full-Service
✅ Complete Systems - Crushers to filling machinesM
✅ Tailored Solutions - Scale (1-200TPD) & formula customization
✅ End-to-End Service - Design, install, train, certify

Primarily, whether you purchase or use organic matter or wastewater generated by your ownfarm or factory, it is up to you to choose. For the purchase of powder microbial agents(Bacilus), it costs $15-50 per kilograms for industrial and commercial liquid bio fertilizerproduction. However, if you determine to make liquid fertilizer from soybean meal, rapeseedcake, peanut cake, animal protein, etc., you have to grind the raw materials by appropriateshredders, Besides, if you want to add nutrient elements like NPK or minerals, you may needour Raymond mill to get super fine powders -the finest size of 0.038mm.
Secondly, you may require a dewatering machine that can separate the original wastelike livestock manure and sludge into liquid and solid organic fertilizer. These wastes usuallycontain high moisture, even more than 85%. Additionally, you can choose to further extractthese organic wastewater to obtain liquids with higher purity and concentration. Then, youshould build a sedimentation tank to store these high-purity organic liquids. Then, anaerobicfermentation of these raw materials lasts for 2-3 days at normal temperature. When it smellslike a sour, alcoholic, and slightly unpleasant odor, anaerobic fermentation process is finishedOf course, if you want to save on the cost of subsequent filtration equipment, you can build asecondary or tertiary sedimentation tank that can settle 10% of the filtered materials.
Thirdly, you need to use filtering equipment to remove suspended solids from the liquid anoensure the purity of the liquid organic fertilizers. This is because liquid fertilizer requirespipeline irrigation to prevent impurities from clogging the nozzle. To be honest, you's better usewater purification devices to remove chlorine from tap water. In addition, if necessary, youneed to perform high-temperature or ultraviolet sterilization to kill Escherichia coli anddiseased eggs in the organic liquid. Thus, you can extend the shelf life of organic liquidfertilizer. What's more, at every step of organic liquid fertilizer production, it may be necessaryto add such filtering equipment and disinfectors.
More importantly, if you make liquid amino acid fertilizer, you need to first add the compositeenzyme preparations to the reactor and heat it up to a constant temperature of 50-60'c forenzymatic hydrolysis for 3-5 days. Then, the liquid enters fermentation pot for aerobicfermentation. Here, you need to connect an auxiliary material addition tank in parallel. in thelater stage of fermentation, you can add liquid or powder microbial agents, molasses, and NPK to add energy to liquid organic fertilizers or make formula fertilizers. Also, you ought toadd TE or ETTA chelating agents to make these elemental molecules combine.
In the organic fertilizer fermentation tank, at a constant temperature of 30-50 'c, thesemicroorganisms undergo bacterial hydrolysis.lf there is no heating device, it takes 4-5days to complete the fermentation of one tank of liquid fertilizer. However, using our built-inheating fermentation tank, it only takes 3-5 hours. Then, the liquid fertilizer enters thesterilizer, and the highest temperature can reach 70 'c. Moreover, you need a cooling pot tolower the temperature of the organic liquid fertilizer to room temperature.
Finally, after a series of reactions and adjustments, the organic fertilizer liquid is ultimatelytransported to the finished product pot for storage. Then, you must avoid light and hightemperatures to maintain its activity. Here, you should construct your own lab. After the finaquality testing, liquid fertilizer need to meet market standards. Then, due to your budget, youcan choose to use directly an automatic filling machine for lower investment. Perhaps, withthe sufficient money, you can buy an fully-automatic filling packing production line forbottling, sealing covering and labelling.

1. Large capacity liquid fertilizer fermentation tank


Made of SUS 304 or SUS 316L stainless steel, it can resist corrosion from chemical substances such as acid, alkali, and salt, and is suitable for various chemical, pharmaceutical, and food industries. Advanced mixing technology can quickly and evenly mix materials of different ingredients to improve product quality and production efficiency.

The mixing tank body and mixing blades of the liquid fertilizer fermentation tank have smooth surfaces, and with the CIP (cleaning in place) system, they are easy to clean and disinfect quickly to reduce cross contamination. Moreover, the design is reasonable, which can effectively reduce energy consumption, and has heating, cooling and other functions to meet different process requirements.

The stainless steel mixing tank plays an important role in the production of liquid fertilizers with its excellent materials, reasonable structural design and efficient working performance, and is a key equipment to ensure product quality and production efficiency.


2. Inclined manure solid-liquid separator, dehydration moisture>85%

If you are looking for a dehydrator for an organic fertilizer production plant, you can definitely consider our company. We have rich production experience in producing fertilizer dehydration equipment.

Among them, our inclined solid-liquid separator is a small machine for treating organic waste with a high water content (>85%). The machine occupies an area of only 3-6m. Obviously, it is suitable for material pretreatment in small organic liquid fertilizer plants.

Generally speaking, the smallest scale can process 20-25m:/h of cow dung, pig dung or sludge; 10-15m'/h of chicken manure or Chinese medicine residue; 15-20m'/h of wine lees, etc.

In addition, our factory can also customize the specifications of the filter according to the customer's material requirements. Secondly, the whole machine is made of 304 stainless steel to meet the needs of liquid and sticky manure treatment.


3. Double filter system, filtration accuracy 38-250µm


The double filter consists of two single bag filters and a three-way ball valve. It has a simple structure and intuitive operation. It can also be used for pre-treatment of wastewater filtration. Due to the presence of two independent alternating filter units, the wave-state organic manufacturing process can be operated continuously for 24 hours.

You only need to install this double filter in each step of liquid organic fertilizer production to improve the quality of the finished liquid fertilizer. A two-stage filtration system can be set up, the first filter unit removes medium-sized particles and impurities, and the second filter unit removes finer substances.

In addition, we can customize the filter element material according to customer requirements-carbon steel, 304, 316 stainless steel, and the filter surface has mirror or matte for you to choose.


The filtered liquid organic fertilizer needs further treatment, such as UV disinfection or microfiltration, so we basically equip the duplex filter with a UV sterilizer.

he inside and outside of the main body are made of 304 or 316 stainless steel, and are polished to improve the UV irradiation effect. It is suitable for various water treatment projects, including sewage treatment projects, drinking water disinfection, etc.

Its purpose is to kill bacteria, viruses, yeast, bacteria, algae and degrade chlorides in the water. UV sterilization has the strongest sterilization ability at a wavelength of 253.7nm, so it can be adjusted through the control cabinet.

In general, we guarantee product quality and use PHILIPS brand UV lamps with an effective service life of more than 12,000 hours. In addition, we provide a 10-year warranty on the stainless steel shell and a 1-year warranty on other accessories.
